

Your Ultimate Scheduling Solution. Scheduler is meticulously designed to streamline your busy life by effortlessly organizing appointments, meetings, and tasks. With advanced features including customizable reminders and color-coded events, Scheduler ensures you stay on top of your schedule with precision. Seamlessly collaborate with colleagues and friends while enjoying the convenience of cross-device synchronization. Bid farewell to missed appointments and welcome a new era of productivity with Scheduler.



Team Size


1 year


Technical Stack

Technology Asp.Net core Blazor Sql Server 2017 Web Apis Razor Pages SignalR OAuth 2.0 OpenAPI ASP.NET Core Web API
Tools Visual Studio Sql Server Postman Swagger UI Azure Azure DevOps



Scheduler encounters challenges in user adoption, balancing features, integration with existing platforms, customization, cross-device compatibility, data security, notification management, user support, competition, and feedback incorporation. Overcoming these hurdles involves strategic planning, iterative improvements, and user-centric design to enhance functionality and appeal.


To overcome its challenges, Scheduler can focus on intuitive onboarding for user adoption, prioritizing essential features, robust integration with popular platforms, flexible customization options, cross-device compatibility, stringent security measures, customizable notifications, comprehensive user support, differentiation from competitors, and iterative improvements based on user feedback. These solutions aim to enhance functionality, user experience, and overall value, establishing Scheduler as a reliable scheduling solution for efficient time management.
