PMS (Production Management System)


PMS (Producttion Management System) - the ultimate solution for end-to-end production lifecycle management. From idea inception to delivery, PMS offers robust features including ideation, task and project management, agile support, requirement documentation, collaboration tools, release planning, analytics, and seamless integration with development tools. Customizable, scalable, and secure, PMS empowers businesses of all sizes to drive product innovation, collaboration, and success. Try PMS today and revolutionize your production management process!



Team Size


22 Months


Technical Stack

Technology C# ASP.NET Core Web API Angular Jquery IdentityServer JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Microservices architecture Agile methodologies
Tools Microservices SQL Server 2014 Scrum Team Foundation Server (TFS) GIT Visual studio Azure Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines



Developing a Production Management System (PMS) presents challenges such as balancing complexity with usability, integrating with existing tools, adapting to agile methodologies, ensuring user adoption and training, maintaining data security and privacy, scaling to accommodate growth, managing feedback effectively, providing customization options, navigating change management, and fostering continuous improvement. Addressing these challenges requires meticulous planning, agile development practices, user-centric design, robust security measures, effective training programs, and proactive feedback mechanisms to ensure the PMS meets the evolving needs of users and organizations.


Addressing the challenges of developing a Production Management System (PMS) requires a multifaceted approach. Prioritizing user experience through intuitive design, seamless integration with existing tools, and agile methodologies ensures adaptability and user acceptance. Implementing robust security measures, comprehensive training programs, and scalable architecture safeguards data and supports organizational growth. Establishing effective feedback loops, providing customization options, and managing change proactively foster continuous improvement and alignment with evolving user needs and industry trends. By adopting these strategies, developers can overcome challenges and create a PMS that drives efficiency, collaboration, and innovation throughout the product lifecycle.
